Weeklog for Week 20: May 16 to May 22
A work week. Good progress!
The plants are still growing. Still no sign of procreation. I guess this experiment failed.
- Preston’s Paradox – Probably Overthinking It
- Extracting Triangular 3D Models, Materials, and Lighting From Images
- The average lifetimes of metals in the economy versus average global... -- Download Scientific Diagram
- Duck Chess: Got to try that!
- My deepfake DALL-E 2 vacation photos passed the Turing Test
- The Modern Gamer's Guide to Running Morrowind - The Machine Codex
- NaturalSpeech: End-to-End Text to Speech Synthesis with Human-Level Quality - Speech Research
- Studie: Videospiele können Kinder intelligenter machen -- heise online: I knew it!
- 🛰️ See A Satellite Tonight: No telescope required. Search for viewing times at your location.
- Introduction - 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development
Libraries, programming, etc
- hlorus/CAD_Sketcher: Constraint-based geometry sketcher for blender
- SolveSpace - parametric 3d CAD
- Plumbum: Shell Combinators and More — Plumbum: Shell Combinators
- GitHub - hng/tech-coops: A list of tech coops and resources concerning tech coops and worker owned cooperatives in general.
- HTTP Cats, see also HTTP DOGS, HTTP Status Dogs, Placedog, Placekitten, Placebear, Placebacon, Fill Murray, P-Hold and Lorem Picsum.
- Python Standard Library changes in recent years
- GitHub - pikasTech/pikascript: An ultra-lightweight Python engine that can run with 4KB of RAM and 32KB of Flash (such as STM32G030C8 and STM32F103C8), and is very easy to deploy and expand.: This is such an interesting idea: let's compile (a subset of) python to a specific VM code and run it on tiny things. The dev boards are 5-15 $, however.
- Significant Digits by Alexander D: It does get a bit tiring after a while, because all the characters are super-optimizers that think through everything super-deep. Well, most of the things, anyway. It's better than having stupid characters, but it does get tiring. You know how it is: anyone doing things even slightly worse than me is an idiot and anyone doing things even slightly better than me is weird and strange.
- Assassin's Creed: Origins: I was told this was beautiful and I'd had it in my inventory for a while. It is... ok, I guess. Not the most beautiful game I've played recently. The keyboard mapping is weird. Jumping is weird. Faces are weird. And, wow, that combat is really, really bad! But it is quite beautiful. 6/10
Other media
- Who made these circles in the Sahara? - YouTube: A wonderful investigation into something you can't find on the internet.
- Object-Oriented Programming is Bad - YouTube: It really is, but that thing here isn't the entire truth.
- Erasing My Awful Book From The History of the Internet - YouTube