Weeklog for Week 42: October 14 to October 20
Nothing I can remember.
- Practices of Reliable Software Design
- Kernighan's lever
- The Stallman report
- REPOST: Excuse me but why are you eating so many frogs
- List of individual rocks - Wikipedia: oh man, I was in Amersfoort some years ago but didn't visit the rock.
- Why aren't smart people happier? - by Adam Mastroianni
- nisbett saying more.pdf: We have no idea of our own internal thinking processes.
- The web I want vs the one we have – daveverse
- The three-page paper that shook philosophy: Gettiers in software engineering -- the jsomers.net blog
- The Sundial Cannon of Åtvidaberg -- Amusing Planet
- The Weekly Challenge - Perl & Raku
- Big Advance on Simple-Sounding Math Problem Was a Century in the Making -- Quanta Magazine
- Challenging projects every programmer should try - Austin Z. Henley
- Escaping the Chrome Sandbox Through DevTools
- Adobe's new image rotation tool is one of the most impressive AI concepts we've seen -- Creative Bloq
- Why birds do not fall while sleeping -- CNRS News
- Industrious Dice --
- Temple 26 and Excavation Tunnels, Copan -- Copán Ruinas
- Surely you can be serious - by Adam Mastroianni
- How to get 7th graders to smoke - by Adam Mastroianni
- The magic soup debacle is finally over
- Secret 3D Scans in the French Supreme Court
- Fixed timestep without interpolation -- Jakub's tech blog
- Spliit by the Stats: Usage, Costs, Donations · Spliit Blog
- Startling differences between humans and jukeboxes
- Engineering Geology of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) System, 1964-75
- From a 1979 IBM presentation: A computer can never be held accountable, therefore a computer must never make a Management Decision.: I love the quote, and in this article I love that it takes a turn in the wildest way, ending up calling governments "demonic external entities" and "which is the criterion for embarking on the journey into 5d light and life". Hilarious connection!
- Scratches in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Osyssey
- Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search - PrimeNet: New Mersenne Prime discovered (probably)! October 13, 2024 — Yesterday, a participating GIMPS computer reported a successful Fermat probable prime test to the server! A proof of work was uploaded and certified
- RUBINGHSCIENCE.ORG / Using Euro coins as weights
- Using Free Hermes AI Service -- ai.unturf.com
- Kurt Vonnegut’s lost board game finally published -- Polygon
- Ants learned to farm fungi during a mass extinction - Ars Technica
Libraries, programming, etc
- PEP 736 – Shorthand syntax for keyword arguments at invocation -- peps.python.org
- GitHub - hugohadfield/kalmangrad: Automated, smooth, N'th order derivatives of non-uniformly sampled time series data
- Factorio
- Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Other media
- Radosław Paszkowski - Mesh Shaders - The Future of Rendering - YouTube
- dopamine IN TWO LANGUAGES AT ONCE?? (French/English) - YouTube
- NEW WORLD RECORD: The 49x49x49 Rubik's Cube - YouTube
- How climate change triggered a landslide tsunami in a Greenland fjord, vibrating Earth for 9 days - YouTube
- Riding The Worlds Biggest 3D Printed E-foil Board - Ep.2 - YouTube
- Debunking the Nuclear-Powered Manhole Cover - YouTube
- The Art Of Breaking Character (Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant, Ian McKellen) - Extras - YouTube
- Melting 50 Million Tons of Iron Ore! Process of Making High Quality Wire Rods in Korea - YouTube