Weeklog for Week 48: November 28 to December 04
Work did progress, but did not really go well. I think I can safely say that I'm not worried about K8s any more, but all the silly additions and restrictions and self-imposed organizational problems the customer wants and does is just... well... silly.
I started this years winter baking season. Also, as every year, trying to find ways to saturate a solution of corn flakes in chocolate.
Met many friends over the weekend, which was good.
- Tonga volcano sea floor map reveals 'mind-blowing' cavity left behind by eruption - ABC News
- Jochen's weeknotes 2022-11-28
- Data-oriented Programming in Python
- Stable Diffusion and AI generated art is absolutely wild in every way – A Whole Lotta Nothing (via Jochens weeklog)
- One Big Fluke › The case for dynamic, functional programming: It's that old argument again: reasoning about state is hard, purely functional programs don't have state, so they should "have fewer bugs, be easier to optimize for performance, allow you to add features more quickly, achieve the same outcome with less effort, require less time to get familiarized with a new codebase, etc." But if you take that reasoning to the extreme you should try MOV-only programming, since it is the simplest thing you could imagine: purely functional, no global state and much fewer instructions to remember. But of course, there are drawbacks like "this is crazy and also untrue", so we don't do that. What working with purely functional programming also adds are constraints that often stop you from doing what you want in a straightforward way, instead making you have to build a much bigger state machine than just allowing yourself to simply do a little bit of state manipulation. So the truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle. I do wholeheartedly agree with the last paragraph: write your programs in a mostly-functional style in your favourite language now and reap all the benefits without giving up the escape hatch of a tiny bit of state manipulation once in a while. (via Jochens weeklog)
- DropCite: An Outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Subvariant BA.2.76 in an Outdoor Park — Chongqing Municipality, China, August 2022: They "contact-traced" it by using surveillance camera: a jogger in a park infected people even though they were keeping a distance. Disregarding the absolutely atrocious lack of privacy and terrible execution of, this is exactly why they have a zero-covid policy.
- Can This AI Save Teenage Spy Alex Rider From A Terrible Fate? astralcodexten.substack.com
- Study: Canada geese beat humans in longstanding territory battle -- College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences -- UIUC
- Aerated Bread Company - Wikipedia
- Chorleywood bread process - Wikipedia
- Semaglutidonomics - by Scott Alexander - Astral Codex Ten
- Meta researchers create AI that masters Diplomacy, tricking human players -- Ars Technica
- Balloon Framing is Worse is Better - by Brian Potter
- Being fatter than Homer Simpson -- Nicky's Blog
- Ampel-Koalition einigt sich bei Sonderabgabe für Mineralöl- und Gasunternehmen: "Die geplante Ertragssteuerbefreiung für private Photovoltaik-Anlagen bis zu einer Leistung von 30 Kilowatt sollte ursprünglich erst ab 2023 greifen. Es bleibt dabei, dass für Kauf und Installation von PV-Anlagen bis zu dieser Größe und Stromspeichern ab 2023 die Umsatzsteuer komplett entfällt." - YESSS!
- Hijacking infrared to make a dumb device smart – Kennedn's Blog
- Collections: Strategic Airpower 101 – A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry
- When intuition misfires
- Prioritizing Pragmatic Performance for Dask: A very rational and data-driven discussion of what really improves performance in high-performance python with Dask.
Libraries, programming, etc
- CRDT: Fractional Indexing - Made by Evan: I love love love datastructures. And smart ones like these even more!
- GitHub - wasmerio/wasmer: 🚀 The leading WebAssembly Runtime supporting WASI and Emscripten
- GitHub - tomkins/wagtail-sqlite-benchmark: Wagtail SQLite Benchmark - based on https://github.com/simonw/django_sqlite_benchmark: unsurprisingly, outcome is that sqlite is more than enough for most wagtail-based websites
- delta V by David Suarez
- Hot Wheels Unleashed
- Doom VFR (Premier VR bundle)
- Cave Digger 2 (Premier VR bundle)
- Bean Stalker (Premier VR bundle)
- After the Fall (Premier VR bundle)
- Vox Machinae (Premier VR bundle)
- Schneeflocken: These turned out fantastic. They're sweet and simple and very soft and just generally delightful. And can easily be vegan. Fantastic!
- Tigerkuchen as a base for Maulwurfkuchen
Other media
- Automated bakery production line - YouTube
- APEX Bread and Bun System - YouTube
- Automated bakery - bun production line - YouTube
- Hönö-kaka - så tillverkas den - YouTubeHeh, Hönö!: I was surprised and delighted that I understood most of what they were saying.
- I did the double slit experiment at home - YouTube
- Verfahren zur Herstellung von Trommeldosen. Massenproduktionsanlage in Japan - YouTube
- Verfahren zur Herstellung von Lagern mit moderner Technologie. Koreanische Fabrik - YouTube
- Verfahren zur Herstellung von Toilettenpapier. Überwältigende Ausmaße der japanischen Fabrik - YouTube
- ✈️ The Maddening Mess of Airport Codes! ✈️ - YouTube